Getting started

Getting Started

To use Grandeur in our project, let's first set it up.

Sign up on Grandeur

Go to https://console.grandeur.dev (opens in a new tab)

  • Click on get access to get redirected to the registration page. Add the required credentials and click Submit.
  • You'd receive a one-time-password (OTP) on your phone. Enter it and click Submit.
  • Congratulations! Your account is created.

Create a Project

A project is the first thing you need to create to start working with Grandeur. A project is like a namespace, a completely isolated network of users and devices, along with a separate datastore. This is essentially the playground for the developer.

  • Click on New Project button.
  • Fill in the name and description of the project and click Create Project button. Your project will be created.

Register your Device

When you register a device, you make it available in your project's network. It is meant to securely connect devices to cloud.

To register a new device, just type a preferably unique name for your device and click enter. A dialog box will give you your device's unique ID and token that you can copy and then use later in your device code for connecting with the internet.

Now that we are done with setting up our environment, lets move on to building our first hardware device.